HE Yu-ting , GAO Chao , AN Tao , ZHANG Teng , HOU Bo , XIAO Jian-bo
2015(1):1-5. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-3516.2015.01.001
Abstract:This paper mainly discusses how to reconcile the test results with the service data to solve fatigue safe-life of aircraft structure. Aimed at the fatigue life obedient to the Log-normal distribution or Weibull distribution, the service flying hours and test results can be reconciled directly to analyze the reliability for the aircraft structure. Aimed at the fatigue life disobedient to the Log-normal distribution or Weibull distribution, the service hours can be transformed into the equivalent flying hours at the same test load spectrum according to the equal damage to realize the fusion of the test data and the service data. The parameters of fatigue safe-life distribution function can be estimated by using the method of maximum likelihood function in accordance with the fusion data. The fatigue safe-life for aircraft structure is analyzed by using the estimated parameters and the fusion data. The result shows that the sample capacity is increased obviously after the data fusion, and the life reserve of reliability is excavated adequately by adopting the method of the fusion data under the conditions of the same reliability and confidence level.
CHENG Bang-qin , WANG Hao , SUN Quan , HU Wei-bo , CHEN Zhi-min , LI Jun
Abstract:In order to weaken conical shock strength around the aircraft head and the inlet adjustment cone caused by supersonic flow, the experiment of plasma aerodynamic actuation in controlling conical shock is conducted. Variable laws of conical shock shape and in different excitation voltage conditions are performed by means of optical measurement and wall static pressure measurement. When the amplitude value of actuation voltage is 600V, 800V, and 1000V respectively, the results show that when plasma aerodynamic actuation conical shock shape is turned into 2 shocks, the shock wave angle is increased by 7.3°, 13.2°, 18.9° respectively and the cone head wall maximum total pressure is increased by 6.52%, 8.17%, and 9.52% accordingly. So, the fact that conical shock strength can be weakened by plasma aerodynamic actuation is verified.
ZHANG Yan-hua , ZHANG Deng-cheng , HU Meng-quan , ZHENG Wu-ji , LI Jing-tao
Abstract:High lift can be obtained through circulation control to improve short take-off and landing. In this paper, the concept and theory of circulation control are presented. The influence of different momentum coefficients and angle of attack on the lift, drag and boundary separation is investigated through CFD method.The methods include Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes Equations, SST turbulence model and velocity inlet condition at jet boundary. It is revealed that the lift augmentation reaches to 327% and ΔCy/ΔCμ=21.97 at α=0° and Cμ=0.05. The stall angle of attack becomes smaller with the increase of momentum coefficients, which is caused by boundary separation at the leading edge. The excellent aerodynamic characteristics are obtained at moderate momentum coefficients and small angle of attack.
XIE Xin-hui,YU Lei,PENG Xue-jun,ZHOU Zhong-liang,WANG Jue
Abstract:The principle of network attack command guidance is that the combating network system is used to control a fighter to enter air release point by network command. The fighter network attack command guidance control method is studied in this paper. Firstly, an interdiction attack model and a missile launch boundary model are established. Secondly, a network command guidance calculating model is set up by taking the course angle and height as a guide instruction. Finally, the models described above are simulated based on a typical combat scene. The result shows that no matter what the target is, maneuver target or non- maneuver target, an optimal fire envelope curve of the fighter network attack guidance can be achieved by adopting the network attack command guide method .
ZHAO Yu , ZHANG Bin , SUI Yong-hua , XU An
Abstract:The controllers fluctuate wildly because of the fighter maneuvering in air combat engagement process, which has effect on fighter’s performance and pilot’s controlling. According to the optimal problem of guidance strategy, an approximate optimum of engagement maneuvering strategy with allowable deviation is proposed. Firstly, three degree of freedom motion model is built. At the same time, the solution steps of angle deviation are put forward. Secondly, the discrete nonlinear programming model is built and the restriction and objective function are analyzed. After that, it introduces receding horizon control and proposes a numerical solution of controlling process. At last, an example of forward hemisphere attack is designed to comparing proportional navigation strategy with the designed engagement maneuvering strategy. The result shows that the latter’s controllers fluctuate more smoothly. Therefore, It is an effective strategy which can lighter pilot’s operation pressure.
WANG Lu,XING Qing-hua,MAO Yi-fan
Abstract:A trajectory forecasting algorithm of boost-glide unpropulsive skipping vehicle is designed based on the fixed character of the vehicle's lift-drag ratio. Firstly, by analyzing the track characteristics of this kind vehicle, the reentry-uprising time is determined as the beginning time of this algorithm because of the vehicle's unique reentry-uprising phenomena. Secondly, through integrating the known information with the unknown information to the defense system, the changed movement equation and algorithm of the unknown parameter are given. Based on the changed movement equation, the track forecasting flow and algorithm are designed. Finally, the simulation is done and the result shows that the forecasting algorithm has a better ability to forecast the latter trajectory when the vehicle is uprising again.
FENG Wei-ke , ZHANG Yong-shun , ZHAO Jie
Abstract:In this paper, a clutter model for airborne MIMO radar is established, and a computationally reduced-dimension space-time adaptive processing method-Modified GMB method is presented. The method is used to perform space-time adaptively processing by choosing special transmitting beams, receiving beams and Doppler filters and by utilizing the two-dimensional spatial beam forming and temporal Doppler filtering. At last, the clutter suppression performance is emulated and compared under the conditions of different errors. The simulation results show that the use of this method can significantly reduce the computational load and training cells, and the suppression performance of the method is effective.
LI Xin-qi,LI Hong-xia,Zhang Da-qiao
Abstract:Due to the need of studying midcourse penetration counter simulation, the quick design method of intercept trajectory layout about Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle(EKV) was researched. With analyzing the combat mission of interceptor. The main restric condition that the missile’s place and speed should obey in the cutoff of Ground Based Interceptor (GBI) was gave out. Take the minimum of intercept rendezvous angle as objective function, the optimal model of inverse design of intercept trajectory about EKV is established. Finally,six trajectory parameters of EKV initial trajectory and GBI initial parameters of three restrict condition are got by genetic algorithm and reverse integral method. The correctness of the strdying method is proved by the result of simulation. The method of inverse design offers a new method for missile penetration counter simulation.
SU Ming-chen,YUAN Xiu-jiu,YANG Xiao-lei,YANG Rong
Abstract:The relative dynamical equations of the missile and target on an attack plane of the parallel approaching method are extended to the three-dimensional space in this paper. The calculation formulas of the trajectory obliquity and drift angle are deduced through the relative dynamical equations of the missile and target, and multi-section trajectory generation method is presented. Then, by integrating with the equations of atmospheric motion (MM5 equations), the guidance trajectory model of the parallel approaching method is established under the non-standard weather conditions. Through comparison the guidance trajectory of parallel approaching method under the standard and non-standard weather conditions is analyzed, the result shows that the headwind mainly influences the missile's range and the crosswind influences the missile's direction mainly. Finally, the visual simulation of an air-to-air missile's guidance trajectory under two different weather conditions by the STK (Satellite Tool Kit) is realized, which exhibits the motion trajectory of the missile approaching and hitting the target vividly.
LONG Ge-nong , ZHANG Jie , TONG Ning-ning , FENG Cun-qian , NIU Chao
Abstract:When ballistic target is moving with micro-motion, the Doppler frequency of its scattering points will be modulated by micro-motion which will have negative effect on imaging. In this article, a new method called time selection imaging based on abor transformation formula is put forward, which will focus image effectively. The proposed method seerches the Ddoppler fraguency in time quantum of syraight line approximation in time-frequency domain for the target And the effectiveness of this method is verifies by simulation.
ZHANG Bing,BAI Wei-xiong,FU Xiao-long,DENG Xiao-min
Abstract:Based on the classical dual-source jamming model, the static tracking error angle of radar seeker under dual-source jamming is briefly explained. On this basis, dynamic attack-defense confrontation is researched, mathematical model and simulation are established, and the attack error is acquired. Missile’s attack trajectory and error are analyzed by simulation, and decoying effect that is influenced by the length between two jamming sources and width of antenna beam when the dual-source power is unequal. Through simulating, as long as the parameters are appropriate, non-coherent dual-source jamming can well decoy radar seeker and protect the target.
XIAO Ming-qing , YANG Zhao,XUE Hui-hui , TANG Xi-lang , DENG Jun
Abstract:Cloud computing is a syncretic development result of traditional computer technology and network technology, whose core idea is to manage and attemper huge computing resources linked by network and then provide services for users from computing resources pool. The birth and speedy development of cloud computing bring new opportunities to test realm, which is closely related to computer technology. This paper discusses the requirement of applying cloud computing to test from three aspects such as hardware test, software test and automatic test system, then presents an automatic test system architecture based on cloud computing. At last, the paper presents the expectation and the obstacle of applying cloud computing to test.
YANG Bin-feng , ZHANG Hui , YANG Wei-guo , ZHANG Zhan-bin , ZHOU Yi-jian , ZHANG Chao , CAO Hai-xia
Abstract:The single electromagnetic method can be used to detect only one kind of material, the precision of defect quantification and dependability of defect detection are not high. The integration of multiple methods is an effective solution to this problem. On the basis of the previous research work, the pulsed excitation can provide wideband exciting frequency components and this excitation mode is introduced into the field of electromagnetic NDT technique.The key problems of the integration of multiple electromagnetic methods and integrative probe are studied in this paper, and the disadvantages of the single frequency excitation technique are overcomed. This researching achievement expected will extend and improve the research domain and level of Integration NDT technique, and also has an important theoretical meaning and a practical value for improving defect detecting ability of nondestructive testing.
WANG Jin-jiang,REN Bao-xiang,XU Zhi-ming
Abstract:Adaptive beam antenna has the characteristics of the strong direction in transmitting and receiving. Its topology control problem and methods are different from non-directional antenna in wireless networks. To solve the topology optimizing problem based on network nodes installed multiple adaptive beam antenna by spatial uniform distribution, an antenna model and a node communication model are established, and then the optimized topology control problem is analyzed. The key problem is to decide antenna assignment to achieve the best network communication quality. Based on this, a model of 0-1programming is proposed for maximum network communication quality,then the connectivity of two nodes and the network connectivity are analyzed. Finally,the experiments of different node numbers are given, and the correctnesses of the results are validated by an enumerable method.
LI Xue-song , KANG Qiao-yan , HAN Zhong-xiang , XU Wei
Abstract:Network congestion produced by many to one communication is a crucial problem in WMSN. In this paper, an adaptive congestion control protocol (ACCP) is presented. Through the combination of rate control and resource scheduling, the cluster-base structure is used to start the corresponding congestion control mechanism according to the cluster head and its congestion index. When the cluster head is congested for a short time, the network memory management mechanism belonging to resource scheduling will start to suspend too much packets in the network. When the storage node is unable to accommodate excessive packets, the rate control will start to slow down the network traffic. The simulation results show that the ACCP is more effective than InS, HCCP in controlling the network congestion in the case of transfer rate changing. Though the ACCP can only improve network congestion just a little better than HCCP under the condition of cache capacity changing, the packet loss of InS is improved significantly.
WU Di , DONG Shu-fu , WANG Jianfegn,GUO Fei
Abstract:Considering at the energy consumption of node in wireless multimedia sensor networks, a multipath adaptive traffic distributing routing MATDR-PSO algorithm based on PSO is proposed. An energy-efficiency optimizing model is built which can translate the minimum of energy consumption and its equilibrium characteristic into multi-objective optimization problems; and link flow on multipath is dynamically distributed by particle swarm optimization algorithm to achieve energy-efficiency optimizing of the network. Simulation results show that the algorithm can reduce the total energy consumption of the whole network nodes and balance its distribution simultaneously, the life cycle of network is prolonged significantly.
WANG Ying-ying,HE Ping,WEI Tong,LI Shan-shan
Abstract:In order to realize segmentation of the IR (infrared) small target image accurately, this paper proposes a segmented algorithm by applying the information entropy method to the infrared image. This paper not only takes the aspect of distribution of gray information into account in the two-dimensional entropy method, but also utilizes fully the spatial neighbor information of the pixel to obtain an ideal effectiveness of segmentation. After the introduction of the maximum entropy method based on the traditional two-dimensional histogram, other two methods based on External 4-connected G-A(Gray level-Average gray level) histogram and the G-G(Gray level-Gray absolute difference) histogram are given and the above methods all work well in the IR small target segmentation. Besides, the bound set of the IR image and the corresponding bound histogram are constructed to narrow the target search scope, and based on its bound histogram the IR image is segmented, by using the above the integer target is obtained with less noise compared with the pure entropy methods. The experiment results show that the algorithm is effective.
LIANG Dan-ya , LI Hong-wei , WANG Ke , QU Kun
Abstract:In order to decrease the running time, the number of iteration and effectively improve the reconstruction performance of Gradient Projection for Sparse reconstruction-Barzilai-Borwein algorithm, Particle Swarm Optimization which has the global search ability is introduced in it. Using PSO's global development ability and the local search ability of GPSR-BB algorithm, the convergence speed is increased and the running time is reduced. By the improvement of algorithm line search conditions, the reconstruction precision is improved effectively. Simulation results show that the improved GPSR-BB algorithm is shorter than the traditional algorithm by 43% in running time and by 39.7% in number of iteration. With the condition of a certain measurement dimension, the improved GPSR-BB algorithm is higher than the traditional one by 0.04 in average probability of success and lower than the traditional one by 0.09 in reconstruction error.
WANG Wei-liang , FAN Yang-yu , KOU Guang-xing , YAN Long
Abstract:Designing general binary self-orthogonal codes is a difficult problem in both classical coding theory and quantum coding theory. The structure of one-generator quasi-cyclic codes constructed by concatenating binary circulant matrices is investigated. Twenty-eight optimal or best known binary self-orthogonal codes are built by designing the structure of a special subclass of quasi-cyclic codes, which takes advantage of some restrictions such as the shifting equivalence relation on vector, the equivalence relation on linear codes and even weight property of binary self-orthogonal codes. A puncturing-expurgating construction method for binary self-orthogonal codes is proposed, and sixty-two derived codes from these obtained self-orthogonal codes are constructed. In comparison with Literature (13), 67 and 23 among our ninety self-orthogonal codes are separately optimal and best known. The construction results indicate that these two methods are effective to design general self-orthogonal codes. Furthermore, the ideas can preferably solve the construction problem of self-orthogonal codes with possible larger minimum dual weight, which is the critical infrastructure in designing better quantum codes.
ZHAO Hui , LI Mu-dong , WENG Xing-wei , ZHOU Huan
Abstract:Aimed at the problems that the biology-inspired optimization algorithms are of oneness, one-sidedness and fail to check and analyze uniformly the performance evaluation, thus having a strong impact on the intensive study for performance of the optimization algorithms and failing to solve practical problems accurately, two classical nonparametric statistics methods named Wilcoxon Sign Rank test and Quade test are utilized for testing and analyzing the simulation results of five different BOAs under the conditions of thirty-six different test functions. The experimental results show that the two test methods can be used effectively to compare and analyze the optimization performances of different optimization algorithms. JADE algorithm is most superior in convergence speed and search accuracy compared with the other four algorithms, whereas, GWO has comparatively superior performance in the aspect of stability compared with other four algorithms. And this provides a new idea for evaluating and comparing the performances of different BOAs.
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