HE Qing-hua , HUANG Bin , HE Ji-lin , LIU Yin-chun , YANG Min
Abstract:The progress of the science and technology of aviation and expansion of application are advancing the development of the flight control system of UAV in the direction of high precision, low consumption and miniaturization. A flight control system using Free Scale M56F807 DSP as processor based on neuron PID is designed, which is aimed at the demands of power, cost, reliability and integration from small UAV. The design scheme, hardware and software structure and control strategy are expatiated based on the model of certain type UAV. The difficulty of the algorithm is reduced, and the precision of sampling is improved by using the method of taking a sample and accumulating the average value of the time domain signal. The key techniques related to hardware design are investigated. The system designed has the advantage of simple structure, high reliability and opening. Better experiment results have been made. The digital processing flight control system based on DSP can give the UAV greater mobility, higher flexibility and more extensive applicability.
ZHANG Liang , ZHANG Feng-ming , LI Jun-tao , LI Yong-bin
Abstract:The prognostics and health management (PHM) system is now playing an important role in promoting transition of the operational aircraft from run-to-failure, scheduled preventive maintenance to condition-based maintenance. Considering technique characteristics and maintenance demand of the new generation operational aircraft, three different backup blue prints of on-board prognostics and health management system architectures are contrasted, and then a layered architecture is presented, which include vehicle level PHM, area level PHM, subsystem level PHM and module / component PHM. Finally, the division of hierarchy, function description of elements, information transmission and external logic are discussed.
GUO Ji-lian , ZHONG Zhong , YAN Sheng-wen
Abstract:A large parts of home-made military aircrafts are developed through imitation and modification; their R&D cost can not reflect the truth when they are developed as a new type. So, these data can not be used directly in the study of R&D cost for a new type. In order to apply these data reasonably, a modification function is defined based on the statistic data of 17 homemade aircraft types. Then, according to the statistic data of home-made aircrafts, the parameter's value of the modification function is evaluated and the modified R&D cost for the Imitated and Modified Aircrafts is calculated. Finally, the results are validated by using the Partial Least - Squares Regression (PLSR).
NIE Guang-shu , ZHANG An , PENG Zhi-zhuan
Abstract:In this paper aimed at the application problem of certain aviation bomb for a certain fighter, a coincidental calculation method of bomb ballistic coefficient is proposed. In the method particle trajectory model of certain aviation bomb is chosen, drag law by the numerical simulation based on the virtual wind - tunnel is adopted. Combined with the ball firing data, the coincidental ballistic coefficient is calculated. The range error based on the coincidental calculation method does not exceed 1%, the method is effective and also applicable to other non-control aviation bombs.In this research, the other particle trajectory models are also available.The more the trajectory model and drag law are consistent with those in the fire control computer, the more the trajectory characteristic parameter is of practical value. Considering aviation rocket or bullet, Siacci drag law could be adopted. With regard to aviation scatter bomb and low altitude high-drag parachute bomb, the corresponding characteristic parameter of equivalent trajectory could be obtained.
CHEN Deng , HE Li-ming , YAN Li , LUO Jun
Abstract:Using time operator splitting technique and weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) schemes to simulate detonation with detailed chemical reaction, a time operator splitting technique is employed to decouple hydra-dynamic transport and chemical reaction, and finite volume WENO scheme is constructed for the homogeneous Euler equations with complex equation of state. And a new entropy correction method EF4 is proposed to solve the problem of the shock instability in combination with Rose scheme. The obtained front pressure and velocity of detonation waves are in good agreement with the theoretic results, the results show that the WENO finite volume scheme can be used to simulate the transmitting process of the detonation wave perfectly.
YANG Shu-guang , OU YANG Cai-chao , LI Wei-min
Abstract:When the attacker attacks the time-critical targets, the timely turn-out probability is the most critical factor that influences the success rate. First, the timely turn-out operation is defined, and calculating formula for counting probability is derived. Secondly, the operation process of cooperative joint fire attack and attacker's operation process in integrative operation are analysed; the expected value and the maximum value of the turn-out time are gained. Finally, based on analysing the relationship between attacker's turn-out time and attack window, the timely turn-out probabilities under various conditions are calculated. The result of this research is useful in carrying out operations of attacking the critical targets.
ZHU Li , ZHANG Guo-quan , WANG Guang-ming
Abstract:The presetting accuracy of seeker is an important factor for guidance handover in midcourse guidance combined with terminal guidance. Thus, based on the analysis of main guidance handover errors, a correction coefficient method is proposed in analysing the seeker's presetting accuracy due to the radar measurement errors. Integrated with the real target movement locus, the presetting parameters and errors of azimuth and elevation due to the command guidance radar measurement errors are computed. The simulation results indicate that the correction coefficient method can be used to exactly analyse the effects of different parameters on handover and it is an efficient way to research the seeker's presetting accuracy problem.
YANG Yan , ZHANG Ji-guang , JING Zhan-rong , GAO Tian
Abstract:Assessing the threat of TBM timely and exactly is needed in making plan and working out the strategy about Ballistic Missile Defence system. According to the offence-defence power and the weapon characteristics of both the offence and defence sides, the TOPSIS of the multi-attribute decision-making theory is adopted in this paper. And the algorithm of the Tactics Ballistic Missile threat level assessment is provided and the mathematic model of the missile threat assessment is established. The algorithm is capable of sequencing in multi-attribute inputting and multiple decision-making optimising and of adjudging timely, so it is adapted to transient missile offence-defence state. Additionally, the feasibility of the algorithm is verified by the simulation example.
DU Gang , ZHANG Yong-shun , JIANG Xin-ying
Abstract:Based on non-uniform L - shaped array, a new method is presented to estimate the frequency and 2 - D arrival angles of coherent signals over a wide frequency band, which is called joint smoothing DOA (JSDOA) algorithm. The smoothed DOA matrix is constructed by using the temporal and spatial data of L -shaped array, and then 3 - D parameters of coherent signals can be obtained via the analysis of its eigenvalue. The algorithm is precise in estimating 3 - D parameters of coherent signals with same digital frequency, thus avoiding the loss of array aperture with smaller computational load and parameters paired automatically. The simulation results confirm its effectiveness.
BAI Wei-xiong , FU Hong-wei , ZHANG Xue-li
Abstract:The jamming effect of airborne towing decoy is very available to air-defence radar and seriously affects the operational ability of air - defence missile. So, it is a necessary work to design and develop the towing decoy system for air defence training and apply it into the tracking training of air-defence radar. The jamming mechanism and jamming effect of the towing decoy to mono-pulse radar are analysed. According to the jamming equation of the towing decoy, the utilization requirement and main design factor of the towing decoy system for air-defence training are analysed and discussed. The construction and realizing method of the system are presented.
LIU Ying-kun , FENG Xin-xi , DANG Hong-gang , PAN Ping-jun
Abstract:In the actual detection, due to bandwidth, channel fading and channel noise, the ideal channel can not be assured from the local detector to fusion centre. In this paper, the global optimal detection algorithm is studied based on the non-ideal channels. In addition, in order to improve the detection performance and use communicated resource rationally, the soft decision is applied in local detector. According to Neyman - Pearson rule the optimal decision forms of local detectors and the fusion centre are derived. Finally, simulations of two detectors show that by using soft decision the detection performance is improved, and the worsening of the non-ideal channel absolutely depresses the detection performance of the system.
LI Chuan-liang , TONG Zhong-xiang , LU Yan-long , LIU Peng-fei
Abstract:In order to solve the problem of anomalous phenomena simulation in the aerial warfare scene simulation, according to the basic principles of Particle System, the meaning of custom parameter's value in Vega is analyzed in a qualitative and quantitative way. Thereby, the numeric method of setting the parameters for particle system is put forward. Taking burning and exploding effects for example, which is familiar in the aerial warfare scene simulation, the parameters are set synthetically. After getting the range of parameters of simulation effect by the numeric method, the most optimized parameters are gained by simulation time after time. The simulation results prove that the numerical method is reasonable.
LU Hu , SHI Hao-shan , XIE Yan
Abstract:Contrast and analysis of frequency-hopped sequence based on tradition time-frequency presentation is proposed in the paper. Then the paper presents a novel method of estimating transmission parameters such as instantaneous frequency, hop duration and hopping frequency pattern by using the iterative multiple windows smoothed pseudo Wigner-Vile distribution (SPWVD). The simulation results show better recovery of the signals in a lower SNR level (-8dB).
LIU Tao , CAO Xiang-yu , YU Kan-min
Abstract:The surface wave band-gap characteristics for three typical curved EBG structures are studied in this paper. Using the suspending micro-strip method, the effect of curved EBG structure parameters and curvature on band-gap characteristics is analyzed. The results show that the effect of curvature is lesser, and only the center frequency of band-gap is slight decreased. The effect of substrate permittivity and dielectric thickness on band-gap characteristics is in agreement with that of the planar structure parameters. This conclusion is of certain guided significance in applying such kind of surface structures to cylindrical conformal antennas.
WANG Yin-kun , XIAO Ming-qing , WANG Xue-qi
Abstract:Systematic development approach of military ATS belongs to the front domain of current weapon equipment maintenance and is on developing. So its research in prospective theory and developing method should be strengthened to meet technical requirements of further military ATS development. The test system evolution development approach, as a new method of military ATS development, its emphasis is put on the microcosmic analysis of the development process to get a flat transition from requirement to realization. Ripple effect, as a microcosmic characteristic of test system evolution development process, is studied. First, a component model used to describe test system is presented. Based on the model, reach-ability matrix and effect matrix are created to analyse ripple effect and calculate its quantity. At last, the ripple effects caused by component deletion, addition, modification, division and combination are discussed in detail. The work here laid the foundation for evolution development of test system.
LIANG Jian-gang , WANG Ji-qin , JIANG Yi-wu
Abstract:In view of the weak non-linear characteristic of passive devices, power series is adopted to character its transfer function, and a mathematic model is built to predict the level of high-order PIM products by using the measurement values of lower-order PIM products. The mathematic model is tested and the results show that it is simple in calculation and easy to program. Furthermore, it is validated.
XIA Xin-ren , YIN Cheng-you , WANG Guang-ming
Abstract:The development of plasma column is described in this paper. The feasibility of replacing metal by plasma column in making the fundamental antenna vibrator is analyzed. According to approach to radiation pattern of metal, the radiation patterns of traveling wave in a plasma antenna and standing wave transmitting in a plasma dipole antenna in simple condition are calculated. Based on the radiation patterns, the variation law of radiation patterns for plasma parameters being changed is analyzed, the controllability of plasma column antenna's radiation patterns is confirmed, and the result shows that utilizing plasma column antenna for transmitting signals is of certain value in application.
CHEN Shang-dong , ZHANG Lin , CHEN Yong-ge
Abstract:Estimating maintenance cost is an important part of LCC (life cycle cost) management. Due to the limitation of maintenance cost data of SAM system, GM (1,1) model is briefly analysed, the precision of maintenance cost data is also discussed. Then, aiming at a new type of SAM system, the application of GM (1,1) model is systematically discussed, and the precisions of former information GM (1, 1), new information GM (1, 1) and metabolism GM (1, 1) model are compared and analysed. According to the result of the analysis, metabolism GM (1, 1) model is accurate and less sophisticated.
CHEN Dong-feng , XU Lin , LONG Ge-nong
Abstract:The concept of intuitional fuzzy sets (IFSs) is of a generalization and development to the concept of Zadeh fuzzy sets. The theory of IFSs is well suited to dealing with the vagueness problems of the real world. Based on IFSs theory, multi-attribute decision making problems are analyzed. To overcome the shortcomings of the present score function method and distance method, new methods of score function and improved TOPSIS are presented. The numerical examples are given to show the effectiveness of the methods presented in this paper.
XU Xiao-lai , LEI Ying-jie , ZHAO Xue-jun
Abstract:Intuitionistic fuzzy sets defined by Atanassov are of the most influential extension and evolution of fuzzy sets defined by Zadeh, so making the fuzzy clustering expand into an intuitionistic fuzzy clustering is of significant value in application research. This paper presents an intuitionistic fuzzy clustering based on maximum entropy, and deduces an iterative algorithm. At last, the typical experiment indicates that the intuitionistic fuzzy clustering is superior to the fuzzy clustering in performance and the clustering right rate is improved.
YANG Tong , QIAO Xiang-dong , ZHENG Lian-qing
Abstract:Snort, one of the best Open Source Network Intrusion Detection Systems, is analysed in detail, in this paper, for the sake of searching network intrusion detection system. Then a solution is proposed to eliminate the redundancy of snort's rule chain. Experiments are done, which show that the solution proposed is correct and effective. Finally, on the basis of ARP technology approach, NIDS is developed with the improved snort as kernel module. Its excellent performance proves the solution to be valid once again.
Abstract:In order to find the rules of the representation for integers under the factorial base, a kind of digital sum function and its characteristics are studied. Let w (m) denote the digital sum of integer m m(0≤m≤n!-1) in the factorial base. For any positive integer x and any given integer k≥0, a sharp calculating formula of the k - th power of this function is obtained by a mathematical combination method. These results are of perspective value in coding, cryptography and computation complexity theory.
Abstract:Using the cone theory and non-symmetric iteration method, the existence and uniqueness of the solutions of a class of non-linear operator equations A (x,x) + uO = Bx without continuity and compactness conditions are studied. And the error estimates that the iterative sequences converge to solutions are also given. The results presented here are of the improvement and generalization of some corresponding results. Non-symmetric iteration method is another efficient method of solving the integral equation and the problem that can't be dealt with by using the symmetric iteration method in the semi-ordered space.
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