YUAN Quan , ZHU Xue-ping , HE Li-ming , CHENG Bang-qin , CHEN Xin
Abstract:Under the conditions of constant mixture equivalence ratio, in this paper an equilibrium constant method is adopted in calculating and contrasting equilibrium temperature, equilibrium pressure and detonation wave velocity of hydrocarbon - air system detonation combustion products, and based on this a further study of the law of mixture's influence on the features of detonation wave's parameters is made. The result shows that, under a constant equivalent ratio, both the equilibrium temperature and the velocity of detonation wave all increase with the increase of mixture's initial pressure, and gradually tend to a certain maximum. The relationship between equilibrium pressure and initial pressure seems to be a liner increase. Meanwhile, for the different fuels, the more the molecule weight is, the higher the equilibrium temperature is, and the greater the equilibrium pressure is.
ZHANG Pu , WEI Feng-ting , LI Ying-hong
Abstract:This paper, aiming at solving the surge problem of a certain engine on the active service, analyzes the spectrum of pressure signal measured from the starting stage resulting in rotating stall. The results of spectrum analysis show the dynamic evolving characteristics of the pressure signal spectrum under the conditions of normal state, entering and out of rotating stall states, and completely developed rotating stall state. And in this paper the boundary of rotating stall is successfully determined by adopting the spectrum analysis method.
SUN Qiang , WANG Bo , CHAI Qiao , ZHANG Yong-he , ZHANG Zhong-ping
Abstract:The fourth and sixth stages of a mode of aero-engine compressor blades are taken as examples, and effect of fixed state on calculated result of compressor blade intrinsic vibration frequency is studied by applying a finite element method. The conclusion shows that the calculated results of blade intrinsic vibration frequencies bear no relation to the common fix states for the first seven-order blade vibration.
Abstract:This paper, through the analysis of the ground air defense weapon system, sets up a factor system of the combat training efficiency, uses a judgment matrix rectification method in improving the determination of weights, and comprehensively evaluates the efficiency of the ground air defense weapon system combat training example by adopting the method of AHP combined with judgment matrix rectification.
Abstract:In this paper, first the new issues faced with in designing the guidance law and the shortcomings existing in the proportional navigation are analyzed, and then, to improve the performance of the PN, the information of the target maneuver acceleration of the interceptor is introduced to amending the classical proportional navigation law, and the parameters of the amended guidance law are optimized. Simulation results show that the new guidance law provides significant performance improvements over the commonly used classical proportional navigation law, and the overload distribution over the trajectory is reasonable.
LI Hong-gang , JIAN Jin-lei , WEI Shao-li
Abstract:This paper presents a quantitative analysis and a calculation of the mathematic models of the missile in complete movement and the target in its encounter moment by using the information of the control and guide system of ground - to - air missile and the information of the missile in itself, and simultaneously finds out the optimum detonating delay time. On the basis of this, the paper also discusses the problem how to obtain the optimum detonating azimuth of directional warhead and makes an analysis of the simulation result.
Abstract:A new method of flight test on instrument landing system, based on microwave landing system, is introduced in this paper. By choosing particular course and data processing, this method is suitable for flying test on the far zone of instrument landing system, and can be used for making a statistical analysis to the flight test result.
WANG Bao-cheng , ZHAO Yong-an , FEI Yi-wei
Abstract:This paper establishes a calculating model of RCS to ground vertical oil tank and trestle bridge for discharging oil in airport, and calculates RCS of ground vertical oil tank and trestle bridge for discharging oil under the conditions of reconnaissance of high resolution radar by the method of wave optics.
LIU Xiao - xi , WANG Shuo-tai , KONG Da-qing , SANG Yu-shu
Abstract:This paper, based on analyzing the application situation of sealing material to domestic and foreign airport concrete pavements and combined with the characteristics of airport pavement engineering, analyzes the selection of the sealing material in existence, and finally proposes a new type of sealing material adaptable to the requirement of airport concrete pavement according to the result of contrasting experimentation.
LI Jiao , JING Zhong-liang , WANG An , HE Jiao-na
Abstract:This article presents the definition of main objects that make up the tactical fusion system , the systemic block diagrams in the tactical fusion system, and the process of operation. It also analyzes the influence from weather and terrain on tactical fusion system's effectiveness. And on the basis of this, the paper expatiates on the method and the process of the tactical fusion system effectiveness analysis.
Abstract:In this paper, a priority - ranked multi objective layered nonlinear programming model of the problem on the loss of dispatch cost and optimized dispatch time is put forward to solve the question about the emergency dispatch of mobile communication force, and an algorithm of layered sequence is given to solve this model by analyzing a general mode of mobile communication organization. Finally, an algorithm of tolerant and complete layered sequence for solving this problem is given together with a concrete example.
LIU Chang-yun , LIU Jin-mang , FENG You-qian
Abstract:In the ground air defense fighting, the opposability between the ground-to-air missile and air object is a dynamic opposed process. By estimating the state of a missile, the efficiency of object maneuvering is gained, and the highest efficiency is taken as the optimized maneuvering. In this paper, by analyzing the maneuvering method of object, the maneuvering strategy is presented based on the highest efficiency. The simulation result shows that the effect is good.
LIU Ming , GAO Shang , NIE Cheng
Abstract:The basic model of target's optimization apportion is improved in allusion to the characteristics of modern antiaircraft combat in this paper, and a decision model of target's optimization apportion is established by making use of dynamic programming. Finally, the method and approach are proposed to solve the optimal model. An ideal result can be acquired by using such a model.
WANG Xiao-dong,ZHENG Lian-qing , SHEN Shu-tao
Abstract:According to SMTP protocol and the principle of Base64 encode, an E - mail engine program is designed which can pass the authentication of e - mail server with VC. Being tested on network, the engine is of subminiature, less programming code and high operating speed. Moreover, it can work as a common function and can be used for sending binary files on network.
Abstract:With the application scale of computer being increasingly wide, the developing process of the modern software and network become more and more complex . In order to keep up with the development of software, a method of employing the automation technique to test software is brought up. The problem pointed in this text, i.e. how to use such an automation technique to test the network system, is analyzed deeply and completely.
ZHAO Chen-guang , ZHANG Duo-lin , LI Wei-min
Abstract:On the basis of illuminating the development of the standardization of distributed interactive simulation, this paper introduces and discusses the distributed interactive simulation protocol and high level architecture, summarizes their respective characters and gives a reference to the related personnel.
LEI Ying-jie , ZHENG Quan-di , ZHANG Gang , ZHOU Chuang-ming
Abstract:In this paper, first, the fundamental concepts and glossary of terms with vague or arbitrary meanings in the area of image engineering are defined and explained in clarification. Then, the contents such as basic algorithm models in image processing and image operations are generalized. Finally, the methods of measuring distortion in image processing are described. In this way, a clarification of several basic concepts on image engineering and an exposure to theoretical foundations of it are anticipated.
LI Bo , WANG Gang , LIU Dong-hua , TANG Chao-jing , ZHANG Er-yang
Abstract:A novel edge - labeled algorithm for simple connected area scan filling is presented. First, the edge pixels are labeled by using the forward - vector and backward - vector. Then, a judgment is made based on the criterion formed, which is followed by filling the area with scan line. Compared with the normal algorithms, the new one is efficient in algorithm, simple in realization for scan filling of simple connected area and also applicable to the filling of the complex area.
DONG Yan-fei , LI Jia-lin , ZHANG Heng-xi
Abstract:This paper, based on the effect of three equivalent system methods, selects a better method from them and takes a certain third-generation fighter's longitudinal mode characteristic as an example to calculate and verify the method.
WANG Yuan-yi , XIA Jun-li , HAN Zhong-xiang
Abstract:AON is the basis of the broadband network and is the direction of the future communication enterprise. But the amplifier in OPNET is a key problem to be solved in the transmission. This paper, on the basis of the discussion of working character of the Raman amplifier, analyzes the application of the optical fiber Raman amplifier to extending the bandwidth with the introduction to the experiments of the several application methods.
WU Xiao-yan,ZHOU Yan-yan,ZHANG Shuang-xuan
Abstract:The key to the system identification is the structure identification of the model, which includes assuming its prior structure and determining structure parameter. The structure identification of the model on the linear system is virtually to determine the structure parameter of the model. In this paper, the fighter movement mathematical models are taken as the research object;a new method on the structure identification of the model is introduced,which is based on Bayes theory and suitable for the linear system. Finally, an actual example of engineering application is given.
HE Jian-wen , WANG Sheng-da , WU Jun , HAN Hong
Abstract:Through the analysis of contour lines and land-use map and establishing digital elevation model and land type database, this paper presents an evaluating method of evaluating the backscattering coefficient on radio waves unitary under the conditions of a complicated large scale area.
LIANG Ying-liang , LEI Hu-min , TIAN Chang-hui , WANG Bin-ke , ZHANG Li
Abstract:In this paper, a force acting on the moving section of vibration table and the arm of centrifuge is analyzed as the vibration table is fixed in a vertical direction of the centrifuge. And corresponding physical and mathematical models are established. The interaction between the vibration table and the centrifuge is calculated. The calculated results show that vibration of the vibration table causes the vibration of the arm of centrifuge in vertical direction and a very strong vibration of the arm of centrifuge appears in resonant frequency section, and that vibration of the arm of centrifuge in vertical direction almost has no influence on the vibration of the vibration table in the section far from the resonant frequency section but has an influence to some extent in the resonant frequency section.
Abstract:Support Vector Machines are a kind of novel machine learning methods, which has become a hotpot of machine learning because of their excellent learning effect. In this paper SVM's core thinking and popular training algorithms are presented and the concrete applications are given.
SUN Li-jun , RUAN Jing-lan , ZHANG Mei-zhong
Abstract:A modeling method of message oriented middleware is described, and the implementation of the model under client / serve environment is introduced at the same time. Practice proves that the realization of this model can make up for the shortage of DEC Message Q on dynamic resource management.
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