NI Shi-hong , ZHANG Ji-guang , WANG Yan-hong , XIE Chuan
Abstract:On the basis of deep analysis of the composition and the function of the foreign flight data processing station for a certain type of aircraft, a general design scheme of a home-made flight data processing station for that aircraft is put forward in this paper. The development course of this flight data processing station is introduced mainly by taking the development of TECTEP fast-processing model for example.
Abstract:Based on the crack extension testing of 7075 Aluminum - Alloy CCT specimens in three kinds of thickness under random spectra, the fractures of the specimens are carefully analyzed by virtue of election scanning microscope in this paper. Through the comparison of the photomicrographs with the same magnification factor and at the same length of corresponding crack positions of specimens different in thickness, it is found that the three-dimensional geometry of specimen has a great effect on the crack growth rate; and the thicker the specimen , the wider the fatigue strap, and the faster the crack extends. By the end of this paper, the mechanism is analyzed.
JING Bo , ZHANG Bo , LI Jian-jun , XIE Hong-xin
Abstract:Aero pitot-static pressure system tester has direct effects on the airtightness of the air- borne pitot - static pressure system and the accuracy of meter reading. In view of the problems present in the old tester, a new tester is designed by adopting the developed oilless vacuum pump and test - display unit based on chip computer and vibrating pot pressure sensor. The result of practical use shows that the tester has characteristics of quick testing speed, high precision, visual reading, simple operation and good maintainability, etc., thus solving the problem of oil leakage polluting the air source and some related air-borne equipment.
CHEN Heng , ZHANG Yu-zhuo , ZUO Xiao-yang
Abstract:The flight envelope of aircraft is wide and complex, it is impossible to obtain an accurate aircraft mathematic mode, and the flight performance is not good by utilizing the conventional control theory. Since the aircraft is very complex, it is necessary that the flight control system possesses a strong robust stability. The sliding mode variable structure control just has the advantage of the strong robust stability, therefore, in this paper, the sliding mode control theory is used in designing the controller for the flight control system. First, the PI type mode is designed in order to reduce the error of stable state. Second, Pole assignment method is used to cope with the mode poles so that the mode has the good response. Third, the simple saturating control is adopted to eliminate the chattering phenomena. Finally, the controller for the flight control system is designed. The simulation results show that the whole control system has good a stability and performance.
Abstract:This paper points out the irrationality of the current military airfield runway and its shoulder's width, combining with the reality of the development of airplane, taking into consideration the actual requirements for use, regarding the relationships between airfield construction and local economic development as the starting point. Through calculation and analysis of airplane's demand for runway and its shoulder's width, the suggested rational standards of the runway and its shoulder's width are presented, which both meet the safety in use of airplane and show the remarkable social economic benefits, and also adapt to the development of the airfield.
ZHANG Li-dong , ZHANG Deng-fu , BI Du-yan
Abstract:This paper presents the main characteristics of W99200F encoding chip for MPEG and its operating model and simultaneously presents the circuit of the aircraft audio video recording system of the chip and the design flow of this software. This system can be applied to the afterwards analysis of combat condition of fighters and the estimation of their routine training effect.
LV Yong-jian , XIE Wen-jun , WANG Jin
Abstract:This paper presents an analysis of the operating principle and testing requirement of the aero integrated alarm system of a certain type of aircraft. Based on this, a general design of the system testing method is made by integration of modern measure-control technology and the idea of systemic integration. Also, the ATE based on PC/104 bus is designed, simultaneously the system hardware structure and the testing software flow chart are provided. The status in application shows that the system can run stably and reliably, the testing result is accurate and believable.
LEI Hu-min , LIANG Ying-liang , YANG Qiang-guo
Abstract:Based on linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) theory, this paper shows a study of a LQG optimal guidance law that minimizes the terminal miss distance and control energy consumption within the intercepting period. This paper also gives an analysis of the law's effective navigation ratio and these ratio's applications to the tactical missiles. The results obtained by using adjoint methods show that the optimal LQG guidance law has an advantage over the traditional one in control accuracy and maneuver overload.
SHEN Mao-xing , LI Wei-min , WANG Feng-shan
Abstract:In this paper, based on the knowledge of the potential warfare, a model of potential function for air defence strategy system is introduced. It is called PDG model and can be used in air defence strategy system preponderance analysis. At the same time, the paper also presents an initial valuable analysis and discussion on the construction of air defence strategy system.
YU Hong-tao , ZHANG Yong-shun , TIAN Bo
Abstract:In this paper, the performance of the bistatic radar in resisting the active suppressing jamming under several given circumstances is analyzed and calculated. At the same time, some valuable conclusions are reached in comparing the situation of bistatic radar with that of the single static radar.
Abstract:According to the latest version of the third generation mobile communication released by ITU in March 2001, this paper outlines the developing background of 3G and introduces several international standards finally accepted by ITU and their characteristics, then summarizes the latest researching and developing trend and the achievement in this field around the world. The paper emphatically discusses the schemes, system advantages, technical features and developing prospects of the TD-SCDMA - one of the 3G international standards and with our own intellectual property. Finally the paper presents several proposals concerning the development of 3G mobile communication in our country.
WANG Xiao-feng , ZHU Rong-xin , ZHOU Jie
Abstract:Based on distributed radar detection theory, this paper discusses the detection performance of multistatic radar with computer simulation technique. The detection contents include four kinds of well-known Swerling fluctuation radar returns. Various parameters such as decision strategy of the central processor and spatial distribution of input signal-to-noise ratios of the peripheral receivers can be put in as required. Four kinds of well-known Swerling fluctuation radar returns mixed with IF bandwidth limited Gaussian noise are modeled for simulation in the computer. The whole system detection simulated software is drawn up. The computer simulation program of combined detection of the five multistatic radars have been run on computer IBM-4381. The results show that on the premise of the false alarm probability of 10-4, it is possible to find probability in seventy five percent if majority decision is adopted. Therefore the improvement that the signal-noise ratio in this detection is 3dB higher than that in monostatic radar detection is achieved.
ZHANG Chuan-rong , LIU Wei-jiang , XIAO Guo-zhen
Abstract:SAC(k) and the functions satisfying SAC(k) are studied in this paper. First, some important results about SAC of order k are deeply analyzed; then the construction Boolean functions satisfying SAC(k) of a certain order are given, and finally the balanced SAC(k) functions with higher nonlinearity and highest algebra degree are obtained.
LIU Chang-yun,CHEN Chang-xin,JIA Gui
Abstract:The basic theory and the multiscale of the wavelet transform are analysed.According to the characteristics of the multiscale wavelet transform ,the adaptive filter based on the multiscale wavelet transform is presented and the simulation drawing is constructed . By comparing the simulative drawings of the LMS adaptive filter the with adaptive filter of the multiscale wavelet transform ,it is concluded that this method is feasible.
LIU Xiang-wen , ZHANG Min , ZHAO Shi-lian
Abstract:ITU - T G.728 recommendation shows a low-delay speech coder at the bit - rate of 16kb/s, which is a kind of EELP speech coder and was worked out by the international Telecommunication Union in 1992. Based on a brief introduction to code-decode algorithm principles, this paper discusses, in detail, the real-time realization hardware designing and software development of LD-CELP algorithm of G. 728 on TMS320C6211 and the key technology in the design of system.
TIAN Tao , ZHANG Feng-ming , WANG Xin
Abstract:Software reliability model is an important aspect of software reliability engineering and choosing an appropriate model in the case of lacking software reliability data is the key of software reliability quantitative analysis. On the basis of the analysis of the factors affecting software reliability model, this paper presents a fuzzy comprehensive Evaluation-based approach to software reliability model option by means of fuzzy mathematics theory.
XU Mao-yue , LI Jia-lin , ZHANG Deng-cheng
Abstract:This paper makes a further study of the large error which appears in solving the Euler equation with single step of Runge-Kutta in Quaternion method. Through the study, it is found that the equation is fine and simultaneously the step used in usual flight simulation can meet the command of step determined by the absolutely stable domain of the equation, and the main source of the error lies in cumulative errors.
LEI Hong-li , ZHANG Dian-zhi , LIU Wen-hua , YAN Sheng-wen
Abstract:A new fuzzy ART neural network model based on closeness theory, called CBFART for short, is introduced in this paper. The new network model is formed by incorporating the two concepts of fuzzy set theory, closeness and closest principles, with adaptive resonance theory (ART). The learning of the model is characterized by matching-consigning cycle, and the classification of patterns in the network conforms to the closest principle. Coding complement, matching-consigning, and fast consigning - slow recoding procedure work together to make sure that learning of the network is converging and stable. The above three elements also make one shot learning practicable, so as to improve the learning speed of the network. The concrete algorithm of the model and the result of simulation are given in the paper, and the analysis shows that the model is good in clustering performance.
Abstract:This paper presents a kind of universal framework of data warehouse - reference structure, and mainly describes the principle and each component of the reference structure, finally illustrates two ways of applying the reference structure to data warehouse analysis, i.e. vertical analysis and horizontal analysis.
Abstract:This paper presents a new algorithm for array sorting and an analysis of its complexity of calculation in the worst situation. This algorithm is simple in operation and can run more quickly than C.A.R Hoare's Quichsort algorithm.
FENG Yong-hao , LI Yun , SONG Hao
Abstract:There are many situation in which the transmitted power adaptive control is needed. In this paper, by using the programmable characteristic of digital resistor, an experiment of adaptive power control in a transmitter - receiver is carried out with the method of combining hardware with software, thus overcoming the influence of various nonlinear factors. Also, this paper shows that the results obtained in the study are obvious and satisfactory in the light of a certain type of radio stations, from this, an effective method of adaptive power control is put forward.
Abstract:A real-time test system software under Windows platform is designed and realized by utilizing the technique of multithreading in this paper. First, combined with the examples, the general block diagram and thinking of real-time test system software are introduced after analyzing multithreading and its synchronization mechanism. Second, the concrete realization method of the system software based on synchronization event object is described. And last, the work flow of multithreading in the road surface roughness laser test system software is provided in detail. The above method, thinking and work flow have been fully applied to the development of the road surface roughness laser test system software, from which good results are achieved.
JI Shi-dong , LIU Hong , ZHANG Xiao-shui
Abstract:In this paper, an experimental method is designed and its applied condition is given by applying 2n full factorial experimental technique. Accordingly, through testing the characteristic parameters of product, the product can be improved in both quality and performance, which is verified by examples.
Abstract:This paper presents a new iterative formula by which the solution of nonlinear equation had rapid and absolute convergence. This new method is of considerable value in theory and application and also is one of the effective techniques for solving algebraic equation by numerical calculation.
Abstract:In this paper, by analyzing the competitive model of adult population, the solution boundedness of the model at time delay and the sufficient conditions of the existence of its various equilibrium points are obtained. Simultaneously the sufficient conditions and attractive regions of local steady of the equilibrium points are obtained by constructing Liapunov functional .
CHEN Jiang-li , LI Ye , XIA Jing-bo
Abstract:According to the coherence theory of F.A. Popp and some experiments, biological photon delayed radiation intensity obeys the hyperbolic function with time. In this paper, the study of garlic ultra-weak luminescence in microwave field shows that not all biological luminescence curves present hyperbolic decay, but some ultraweak bioluminescences are of oscillation trend. In consideration of the interaction between phonon and photon, the result obtained is verified by way of experiment and computer simulation.
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