WANG Zhi-gang , LI Qing , CHEN Shi-lu , LI Ren-hou
Abstract:The paper studies concomItant motion kinematlcs. In kinematlcs , the kinematical relation of therelative motion between concomltant satellite and mam satellite is deduced; the three applications of the kindematical relation are discussed. Supposmg the mam satellite orbit is circular. the concomltant motion equations with earth-fixed coordinate system and mam satellite orbit-fixed coordinate system (in four cases) are deduced. ConcomItant orbit shapes and characteristics are gamed by analysis.
HU Chao-jiang , ZHOU Hang-xing
Abstract:In order to explore how to evaluate the high attack(AOA) flying qualities before stall AOA,through pushing stick and changmg posture angle by 10°, to roll from bank to bank and to capture 90° roll angle and air to alr tracking are chosen as a subset to study flying qualities at high angle of attak. Secondly,flying qualities of a third generatlOn fighter are evaluated with a slmulator. At last. the results of simulationevaluatlOn are compared with ones derived from equivalent system method. The conclusion is that if the boundary of flying qualities are adjusted suitably , the high AOA flying qualities can still be evaluated by equivalent system method. although the boundary of high AOA flying qualities is different from small AOA ones.
SHEN Yan-liang , WANG Jian-pmg , CAO Ke-qiang
Abstract:The 10ss property of throttle with 1arge aperture IS ana1ysed. The princip1e of 10ss property of thrott1e with large aperture and litt1e aperture IS compared. The relationship between 10ss coefficient and throttle aperture is found out. This relationship was proved in discharge equilibrium design of an alrcraft's pressure refuel system.
Abstract:a kind of aircraft carried PD radar's performance is analyzed. Based on it , the improvement of it's computer system IS presented.The improved PD radar can greatly enhance the alrcraft's battle performance.
HE Yong , FENG Jin-fu , ZHANG Pei-zhong , GAO Shu-zi
Abstract:An analysis on the principle of bracket used on small caliber automatlc gun is presented in this paper. A FEM dynamical model is established to slmulate the coupled movment of gun barrel and bracket. In the model , gun barrel and bracket are described as some elastic beam elements , shape function is used to describe the disturbing of these elements , and lagranglan equat10n IS used to educe the dynamical equations.A numerical simulation of the dynamical model is presented , and the analysis and discussmg based on the numerical results indicate that a properly designed bracket will be helpful to firing precision of small caliber automatic gun.
CHEN Heng,ZHANG Yu-zhuo,ZHU Zhan-xia
Abstract:Being bui1t up , the mathematlcs model of the plant is always influenced by the parameters uncertainties. Whatever control theory used for the integrated flight/propulsion control , it is necessary to be sure that the flight/propulsion closed loop control system has the strong robust stability. This paper applies the H∞ theory to the flight/propulsion control system. The followmg questions can be covered in this paper: the quadratically stability concept mentioned in the flight/propulsion control; H∞ controller for flight/propulsion control designed; digitally slmulation of the flight/propulsion control closed loop system; the satisfied conclusion to prove the system meets the robust requuements of the flight/propulsion control system.
Abstract:In this paper , the flying quality was mtroduced to alr combat slmulation for the first tlme , and the effect of flying quality of air combat was expounded based on the analysis of modern alr combat process. Finally. the two methods to mtroduce flying quality to alr combat are glven :introduce flying quality influencmg coefficient and treat flying quality as a asslstant maneuver criterion.
WANG Xiao-dan , ZHAO Rong-chun , WU Chong-ming
Abstract:A new type of incomplete tree-structured wavelet transform used for texture feature extract10n is proposed in this paper , a new texture segmentation method consistent with human visual process and based on incomplete tree-structured wavelet transform and fuzzy clustering network(FKCN)is proposed also in this paper. It consists of three mam steps: 1 )feature extractlOn usmg mcomplete tree-structured wavelet transform ; 2 )feature coarse classification using fuzzy Kohonen clustering network. network is trained using the reduced set of feature vectors and get the coarse segmentation result ;and3)refine the coarse segmentation result. After the refinement of the coarse segmentation result , the final segmentation result is obtamed. Texture segmentation expenments give the effectiveness of this method.
Abstract:We design a method to receive ARINC429 signal. The main characteristic of this method is detect every bit of ARINC429 signal three times during receiving , only when all these three detections are right can the bit be received. This method is more reliable than traditional method. We designed and realized ARINC429 interface chip with PLD by this method , and made an mterface card which can be used to connect microcomputers.
Abstract:The signal characteristics of TDM/TDMA communication systems are analyzed and the difficulties of relay networks are studied. Then a simple useful solution approach is put forward , the constitution and principle of the Circuit are introduced , and the performances of the system are analyzed.
LI Pei-in. TANG Wei-hua. MA ]un-in. LAN Wen-xang. GUO Zhi-yong
Abstract:The shelter as a kind of optimum seeking carner of a lot of mi1itary equipments is widely used in the military command automation system. In order to improve the performance and the technica1 advance of command automation system. it is very necessary to select the civil e1ectronic equipments which perfor mance is optimal. In accordance with the structural characteristics of civi1 electronIc equipments. the shortcommgs are ana1yzed and the appropnate measures are put forward so as to meet the needs of the transportability of the mi1itary equipments.
Abstract:Based on the function of the synchronization status monitor of Q-1900 , a new method for correcting output data status of all digital coherent QPSK demodulation is presented. The correcting capability of the quadriphase differential coding and decoding is also analysed in theory. The experiment results show that this method is of the complete performance which the quadriphase differential coding and decoding can not achieve.
XU Yao-hua , W ANG Gang,GUO Ying , MEN Xiang-sheng
Abstract:The addition of the directional machine to super short-wave ground/air communication station can produce an irritating noise which is a coloured additional noise. The reason is that the periodic signal which is produced by the directional machine to control the antenna gets In the receive circruit. In this paper a speech noise elimination algorithm is put forward based on the noise produce model. By using this algorithm , We can eliminate the noise successfully. This algorithm can also be suit for the elimination of additional noises.
Abstract:According to the actua1 request in modern batt1efield and the resu1ts of comparison between the "peer-to-peer" and the "hub-termina1" architecture in mi1itary communication , the architecture of a TDMA peer-to-peer tact1c radio network with hub is presented. Based on ana1ysis of all avai1ab1e slot assigning schemes , an improved slot assigning scheme is given which uses binary tree and dynamic weight.
DONG Shu-fu. NI Yan-hui , LI Wei-min
Abstract:In this paper the ways to locate fiber cable troubles fast are pointed out. the reasons and phenomena of vanous fiber cable troubles are also discussed. At last. the features of backscattering signal curve using OTDR are analyzed when locating fiber cable trouble accurately.
Abstract:ln this paper , the simulation method of generating complex sltuation in the air is brought forward, according to the fact that radar intelligence used in the construction of radar intelligence automation system in our army , can not meet the needs of system performance testing and operation training. The design principle of simulation system is given. The emphasis is placed on target track , with the mathetical model set up , moreover programming and testing realized. The result can meet the requirement. The design and realization of this system will play an important role in the construction of radar inte11igence automation system in our army.
JU Zhi-qin , LIAO Guang-jian , LU Jiu-shan
Abstract:We use polarization information to classify and identify radar targets. The five characteristic parameters describing radar targets are picked up. The characteristic parameter formulations are given. Using BP neural network , classifying and identifying radar targets are achieved.
TANG Jing-hai , WANG Sheng-dai , CHEN Guo-hua
Abstract:We analyse the detection and false-alarm probabilities of HCE-CFAR. The processing performance curves as functions of Y(the ratio of clutter level at two fields of the sliding window) are obtained respectively. Based on the performance companson between CA and HCE , the paper introduces a mixed form CFAR processing method and gives the process principle. Through the performance analysis and is showed that the new method's synthetical perfomance is advantageous.
SUN Jin-ping. LEI Ying-jie. ZHAO Xue-Jun
Abstract:The information regarding computer network management is very complicated and its range is quite wide , too.ln this case,it must be easy to cause loopholes and the secunty of the information regarding computer network management is certarn to be imperilled. In order to develop network software is usually necessary to investigate the internal data structures of network protocols within several switch boards. A method to perform listening in network and keeping useful information ,and how to complete the program using MFC Socket under Visual C++6.0 environment is presented in this paper.
ZHANG Jian-ye , LI Xue-ren , NI Shi-hong
Abstract:It's necessary to check the flying technics of the pilot in the general flying training , so a system by which flying score could be assessed and managed automatically is discussed. It's development is done according to the flying data that are recorded by the airborne apparatus and the expenence of judging manually. Lots of the flying data exammations show: this system can manage the flying score and the information concerned automatically , assess the flying score quickly and exactly. Its assessing time is one twelfths of the manual time , and it can also meet the requirement of the error precision completely.
WANG Rui. ZHANG Ping-ding. ZHANG Jin-cheng
Abstract:A kinematic state vector fusion algorithm is described. For the sake of simplicity. it is assumed that two dissimilar sensors are equipped with nonidentical two-dimensional optimal linear Kalman filter.The steady of cross-covanance matrix is analyzed , and the essence of data fusion is open out.
Abstract:A kind of optimization containing step function in coefficient is studied in this paper. The solution is drawn out by means of parting the problem into three sub-problems , dealing with each sub-problem and integrating the solutions of three sub-problems. The solution for optimization based on other cases of step function is also discussed.
CAO Zong-jie. SUN Chang-jiang , W ANG Hong-yan
Abstract:The intelligent structure comprises the main structure , intelligent material and control system.The intelligent structure is a branch of integrated and crossover knowledge that is a new and high technology, which is developed from the end of eighties to the beginning of nineties. There will be many problems concerned in the intelligent structure to be studied such as the formulation of numerical model , the design of the control system , the optimization , etc. In this paper the static finite element model for the intelligent structure with a new ptezoelectric plate element is formulated with the minimum potential energy principle ,and a new finite element is presented for the bending plate element with piezoelectric sensors and actuators (S/ As). A numerical example is given to illustrate the validation of present method. 1t can be seen from the example that this method not only saves much memory and calculation tlme but increases the accuracy of solutions as well.
XU Jin-yu , LIU Kai-di , ZHAN Yong
Abstract:This article applies AHP to discuss the survival probability of air defense bastion for missiles.After sorting the system of bastion into three layers , we build up judgment matnxes , then we utilize the survival probability of isolated item which is calculated with method of statlc expenment to acquire the system survival probability.
Abstract:ln general mechanical documents , the exposition of the basic types of ideal constramts is incomplete.and even inaccurate. This paper gives a concept of rough contact surface constraints which are subdivided into inner-constramts and outer-constramts. and on this basis,gives a complete and precise expostion of the basic types of the ideal constraints.
SHEN Mao-xing , WANG Xian-feng
Abstract:The Bayesian estimate of model AR (p) coefficients may be transformed into the LS estimate under a quadratic loss by the Jeffrey fuzzy prior princip1e through analysis of the probability distribution density function , and the posterior distribution is given.
Abstract:By the Kirchhoff integral transformation , a class of nonlinear parabolic equations can be converted to a class of linear one , A boundary integral equation for the linear one and a boundary variational formulation are presented. In addition to the indication of existence and uniqueness of the solution of this equation using lax-milgram theorem , the Kirchhoff integral transformation in the nonlinear coefficient based on a set of discrete data is given by a piece wise linear polynomial.
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