Abstract:A sliding mode control approach based on feedback lineansat10n IS presented and the control laws designed by it are composed of two psrts. one is feedback linearisablc control and the other is sliding mode control. Using this approcah. a control system is designed for a helicopter vertical flight mode and simulatlon works are done. The results show that the controlled helicopter can track the glven traJectones stably and the proposed control scheme can solve the control problem of the helicopter vertical flight satisfactonly.
Abstract:we analyse the existing problems m vanous methods to evaluate RCC mixture workability used at home and abroad , bring up a new test method in which we adopt two quality indexes - value of "VC"and compactness to indicate mlxture workability. Value of "VC" mainly reflects conslstency ,while compactness reflects effect of compactmg m a glven conslstency. As shown m the expenment ,the indexes of "VC" and compactness can ensure the RCC mlxture , while vibrated &. rolled , will be compacted easily and tightly , thus get a good surface quality.
XIAO Wen-jian , ZHU Qing-you , PAN Lu-yuan
Abstract:We construct the math巳matic model of an aeroplane hydraulic source system .analyse its frequency characteristic and contrasts the calculation result with the practical test result. The practical test result gets close to the calculation result .it explains the reason why the fixed structure of the pipeline of the aeroplane hydraulic source system has been destroyed many times.
YANG Jun-feng , ZHU Jia-hai , XIE Hong-xing
Abstract:Miniaturization and portability are the targets in the design of the aeronautic testing instruments. For the advantages of PC104 bus system such as its small volume and compact structure ,the principles and the method of PC104 bus technology are applied during the design for testing circuit in an in-field testing instrument of an aeronautic equipment. And the problems such as anti-jamming and the bus conflict are solved successfully in the engineering practice. The design results show that the designed testing instrument has the strong points of small volume , lightweight and exact testing result.
HE Guang-jun , wAN Shao-song , GAO Fu-li
Abstract:According to the fragment warhead of the missile , we propose dynamic characteristic of fragment dispersion in different reference frames , calculatedynamic distributing density function in earth reference frame and missíle reference frame ,and point out the dispersion section of the warhead is different from the dynamic distributing density in earth refcrence frame and missile reference frame.
CHEN Yong-ge. LIU Ming. GAN Min-zhu
Abstract:The main jamming and anti-jamming measure of ground to air missile system is analyzed in this paper. The evaluating model the performance of synthetic anti-jamming is proposed. Moreover ,the performance of synthetic guided radar is quantitatively evaluated.
Abstract:A novel class of complex analytic wavelet functions , the wavelet having simple and explicit analytic expression in frequency domain ,is presented based on the method of constructing Bubble wavelet and super-Gaussian spectrum wavelet. Firstly , the conditions of constructing complex analytic wavelets are discussed ,and then the performance of the new wavelets is studied in frequency domain and time domain. According to the method of constructing wavelets , discussed in this paper , a number of complex analytic wavelet functions with different characteristics can be obtained through adjusting a few of control param。ters with loose coupling.
MA Cun-bao , PANG Zheng-she , SONG Dong , HANG Tian-wei
Abstract:By using 8 Digital Signal Processing (DSP) microprocessors , the principle and structure for designing an aeroengine digital simulator are presented. Based on a multi-port memory , a common shared memory is designed and its characteristics are discussed. An aeroengine simulation model is executed on the master/slave simulator system controlled by a PC computer , and the task assignment method is given. The time of computing themodel by one processor is compared with the time by two processors.
Abstract:This treatise presents a low price , high reliability relay communication system , gives its construct frame , and explains the principle and the working process. Through comparing it with multiplepoint bus structure , We reach the conclusion that the system can thoroughly solve the problem on data communication reliability of collected and distributed control system on the physicallayer face.
ZHOU-Lin. LOU Shou-chun. ZHAO Jie. ZENG Jian-jun
Abstract:Antiaircraft C31 system is a complicate large system. Using models and simulation is the only way to study it. In this paper. the models of antiaircraft C31 system are classified according to different purposes of study. Process-oriented models are introduced. And several kinds of methods of modeling and simulation are presented. This is an effective method and pathway for developing and evaluation of antiaircraft C31 system.
Abstract:The stability of neural networks is the bases of the neural networks in various applications. We mainly study the stability of discrete Hopfield neural networks , the obtained results generalize the existing conclusion and the result can be shown intuitively combined with an example with state graph of the networks.
Abstract:The research on artificial intelligence and artíficíal neural networks , which is rising and developing presently , opens up a new way for controlíng of complex non-linear system. We establish a model for plane manipulator having two free degree by using a kind of improved BP algorithm and the simulation results show the best effect of real-time controling.
Abstract:A new Mandarin pitch contour estimation method MAMDF(Modified AMDF)is proposed on the basis of the AMDF method. According to the results of experiments , MAMDF method has gained a higher accuracy and better time resolution.
Abstract:This paper introduces some practical security models and their actions and characteristics. Based on the analysis of office network data flow we lay stress on the arboreous security state machine model which befits the office network of army or government.
LUO Hong , LIU Hong-kun , CHENG ]ian
Abstract:We discuss the ]ava security characteristic. The ‘sandbox' mechanism is ]ava's major security concerns. It efficiently prevents the actions required to spread a virus or steal information. The ]ava security model can be described as a ‘three-pronged'. It is made of the Class Loader , the Class Verifier and the Security Manager.
Abstract:The moving feature of light wave in sound wave field is studied by using quantum theory. We analyse the transfer process of energy and momentum when light wave and sound wave interact. The frequency deviation of light wave is given after light wave is modulated by sound wave in sound field. The initiative controlling method of light quantity and it's moving direction is put forward by using sound-light deviation effect.
Abstract:The method about constructure of a new compactly supported orthonormal wavelet and scale function concerned is put forward and the exponent regularity of the kind of wavelet and related scale function is estimated accurately.
Abstract:A new kind of optical films has been designed by adding the Non-linear optical films ( Ta2O5 /SiO2 ) on the Commonλ/4 films ( ZnS /MgF2 ) on the basis of optical loss analysis in the reflector in order to reduce the scat tering loss a ndraise the reflectivity. Compared with the common reflector the new Nonlinear structure optical films have the less loss of SSL, VL that is another main loss o f the reflector is reduced more than SSL, and the improvement of other properties o f reflector is obtained. If the new design is adopted there will be an expectation to produce smaller excellent SSL laser reflectors, which is important for the dev elopment and application of laser technique.
Abstract:The structure of elementary solution for Linear combination equation of a system of partial differential equation in the theory of several complex variables is discussed. The relation between the characteristic conoid and the elementary solution in the equations is given. The value of solution for the linear equation at the conic point is derived , and the neccssary condition satisfied by the Cauchy's problem solution is given.
GAO Xiao-guang , ZHAO Xiao-rui. LUO Ji-xun
Abstract:Importance of effectiveness analysis is emphasized , the common process of simulation analysis with interceptor in offense-defense case is provided. The simulation framework , index system to evaluate and methods to optimize interceptor system within this common process are also brought forward.
LEI Hong-li , ZHANG Dian-zhi , LIU Wen-hua
Abstract:Traditional controllers normally need the mathematical model of the plant. But it is very hard toget the precise mathematical model of the plant or to get its result. 1n order to minimize the dependence on the plant information , Adaptivc Sliding Mode Control (ASMC) is applied to track and control a family nonlinear system. The scheme can function without any plant model. without expert knowledge , and without the previous plant data. which uses the radial based function neural networks to adjust the system input ,so as to ensure the stability and adaptation. Its global stability is proved through theoretical analysis. The simulation of the controller shows its strong robustness and feasibility.
WANG Feng-shan , SHEN Mao-xing
Abstract:The concept of potential function is firstly introduced for air-defence strategy system based on the knowledge of the potential warfare law. By this point , the comparison of potential function , the isopotential surface , the evolvement of potential function and the potential program are presented in succession. With these models , we also give some valuable conclusions for the construction of air-defence strategy system.
WAN Shao-song , LIU Xing-tang , Y AN Cong
Abstract:This paper briefly introduces the important role on the study of the effectiveness evaluation of one-to-one fighter's combat , and discusses the system composition and operating principle in hardware in-the-loop simulation on the effectiveness evaluation of one-to-one fighter's combat by ground flight simulator in laboratory condition. Then some technical problems have been studied in detail: (1) the design on simulation program of one-to-one fighter's combat; (2)the calculation of probability for airborne radar to discover objects; c3 )modeling of th巳attack zone of air-to-air missile; (4)evaluating and analyzing of result of air combat.
GAO Jun , LI Zhent-jie , ZHANG Yong-shun , DAI Guo-xian
Abstract:The princíple of the airborne nacelle jammer used for the test of the new type surface-to-air missile weapon system is summarized. The performance of the airborne nacelle jammer that is designed on the basis of the target of tactical and technique is up to the target designed. On the one hand.it is used to evaluate and identify the anti-interference of weapon system ;on the other hand.a valuable basis is provided for anti-interference training in the future.
LIU Xing-tang , DENG Jian-jun , HUANG Shu-cai
Abstract:The important signifìcance and function of development of supersoníc military aviation are briefly discussed. The author introduces the history and present condition in development of supersonÎc military aircraft at home and abroad , and its development tendency. As well as , poìntìng out that based on the present condition at home , it is quìte right to combine development with introducìng mìlìtary aìrcraft. The content discussed has reference value for studying the strategy on speedily developing the modern weapon equìpment of the aìr force in our country.
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