Abstract:Since 1960s the United States and the former Soviet Union have been carrymg out plas'ma research because plasma can absorb or reflect radar electromagnetlc waves. Up to now they have applied plasma stealth technology to some weapons. This has attracted much attentlon of domestlc experts. This paper explains why and how plasma can mterfere with raclar waves. By analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the technology , It conc1udes that plasma stealth technology can be applied to military aeroplanes after three mam problems are solved.
CAI Liang-cai , ZHENG Ru-hai , CHONG Xiao-lei , SHAO Bin , WANG He-wei
Abstract:Based on the invest1gatlOn and research , the paper glves a testmg method , which measures the taking off and landing distance of airplanes with the laser locatmg system for airplane's trace. And by way of the field measunng on plateau alrports ,we have got the integ'rated modifying coefficients of three kinds of airplanes 'taking off and landing runnmg distance such as H6. All of these provide sClentific basis for the runway length design of the plateau alrport.
Abstract:The equation about the loop maneuver of an aircraft in an inclined plane is derived. Its dynamic characteristics involved with speed and altitude ,the influence of the inclined angle of the trajectory plane and load on it are also calculated and analyzed in this paper. The analysis shows that the results are correct.
HE Yu-ting , YANG Shao-hua , GUO Zhi-hui , Fu Xian-jiong
Abstract:1n this paper , the vertical fatigue crack propagatlOn rate of CCT sample under constant amplitude load spectrum was tested. Least-squares fit the Paris equation's constant c and n , and the statistical analysis of c and n 1S presented. The reasonableness of c , OlS tested. Based on the expenmental data ,the material's P-a-N curves and sample's a-N curves are gamed. The results of the analysis lay a foundation for the damage tolerance analysis of Aircraft Frame.
ZHANG Cheng-zong , Y ANG Guang-song
Abstract:The general analytic solutions for the transerve bending of the amstrop1c rectangular plate structure 1S app1ied to study the bending of fiber-reinforced cross-ply lammated rectangular cantilever plate with uniformed load. Analytical computatlOn 1S carried out under heavily amsotropy material and slightly material. The computatlOn results show the cantilever plates which fiber 1S perpendicular to the clamped boundary has the minimum deflectlOn. The effect of amsotropy on the deflectlOns of the plate is discussed.
Abstract:To develop the design,ing method of airport flood preventlOn engmeermg , this paper mtroduce a new design method ,risk-return analysis method. The method select the design plan by analyzing the economlC return , soclety return and military return synthetically. And the paper made discusslOns on defining and computmg of each return. By usmg the risk-return analysis method , we selected the best design plan of a alrport flood defending constructure engmeenng.
CHEN Shu-xin , W ANG Yong-sheng
Abstract:In this paper , the structure and characters of wideband access network usmg ADSL are analyzed. The principle and model of transmittìng A TM cells over ADSL are presented. In the end , some possible channel allocatlOns are obtained for the diverse serVlces.
Abstract:Speech signal spectrum analysis is the tlme-varied spectrum analysis. FFT technique on speech signal spectrum analysis are discussed in detail in this paper.
Abstract:CDMA is a new generatlOn of multiple access commumcat1on technology. It adopts many new concepts and posesses many new characteristics. Code Interweave techonolgy IS one of the key technologies in it. DSP is a rapidly developing digital signal processmg technology m recent years. This paper studies the implmentatlOn method of the CDMA code interwoven technology in TMS320C3x , then slmulates 1t usmg a computer program. The slmulation result is analysed m the end.
FU Hong-we , XIANG Zheng-Yi , W ANG Bing-ke , JIAO Guang-lun , DAI Guo-xian
Abstract:This paper presents an approach based on sampling mtegrator to mcrease the slgnalto-nOlse ratio. In order to solve the contradiction beween sampling and accumulation and to realize multiple accumulation of signal , a new hall time resolution sampling mtegrator lS applied. Through analysis and expenment it is shown that with hall range resolution ,the approach not only promotes the slgnal-to-nOlse ratio , but aslo increasmg the sampling efficiency.
Abstract:Based on the JPDA algorithm , we proposed a multiple targets tracking algorithm m clutter: a fast JPDA algorithm by direct computatlOn the postenor probabilities IS applied to decrease the complexity ,a two stage adapt1ve target tracking filter IS used ,and anequivalent n01se covanance is introduced in this algorithm to take the interference due to neighbor targets mto account. Analysis and computer slmulation show that , the computmg load and the response t1me delay is significantly decreased.
Abstract:This paper presents a new methodology for the tracking maneuvermg targets by the means of bounding approach. A detectlOn scheme based on the dìstance between the centers of the feasible prediction set and observatlOn sequence IS employed for a prompt detectlOn of target maneuvers. A modified process n01se bound is used to match target maneuvermg. The algorithm effectively resolved the maneuvenng target tracking with state bounding approach Simulation results show the performance companson between Kalman filter and this algorithm.
Abstract:1n this paper ,a fuzzy track correlation algorithm 10 clutter was studied. The computat lOn and evaluatlOn methods of the fuzzy measure of track correlation between two tracks are discussed , the fuzzy track correlation rule is described as well. Moreover , the algorithm is simulated. The slmulation results show that the performance of fuzzy track correlation algorithm has obvious lmprovement for data assoclate.
CHENG Ying-lei , YIN Xiao-chuan , WU Feng
Abstract:Advantages and defects of C/S model-based MIS and the necesslty of building up the new-type B/S model-based MIS analyzed in the paper. On this basis , the characteristics and key techniques of B/S model are discussed in detail. Finally , the example of B/S model-based office business MIS is glven.
WEI Hui-xian , W ANG Pei-HAN Zhong-xlang , T AO Xiao-yan
Abstract:This paper discusses the principle of writing Dynamic-Link Libranes in C language under Win32 surrounding. A method of formmg Dynamic-Link Libranes with CB4 、VC6 compiling sy8tem 18 presented. It also expounds the use of Dynamic-Link Libranes m program of Authorware and VB6.
Abstract:The Author provides a new pseudo-task concept to fit the concrete fact , designs and lmplements a non-preemptlve cycle schedule algorithm based on tlme slice , by the way of building a task-control table and pseudo-task"trap"and"wait".
Abstract:The characteristic of the weapon's synthetic performance evaluatlOn 1S summarized in this paper. Then a model for the classificatlOn of weapons 1S presented , based on the HOPFIELD network. The computer slmulation results show the system can realize the expected goal. It is a useful exploratlOn for the use of ANN on the weapons' development demonstratlOn.
HUANG Shu-Cai , LI Wei-min , LIU Xing-tang
Abstract:RTI is the core of a federatlOn executlOn in the HLA. In this paper, the tlme management and implementatlOn of RTI are overall described. The concept of time management's TSO/RO messages , tlme-regulating federates and time-constrained federates , and the t1me advancmg technology of RTI are mainly studied.
LIU Peng , CHEN Chang-xmg , BAI Yun
Abstract:In this article , we use the method of spectrum estlmatlOn to verify simulation model. The mathematical method of verifying slmulation model is discussed and the formula of verifying slmulation model is deduced. We also use this method to verify a actual simulation system. We hope this method will be used to actual engmeermg.
Abstract:In this paper a method to analyze and calculate the wave propagatlOn m an inhomogenously filled waveguide is proposed , the inhomogenously filled waveguide is equivalent to a homogenously filled waveguide by usmg an equivalent dielectnc constant , which can slmplify analySlS and calculation of wave propagatlOn m the waveguide.
Abstract:At the beginning of the paper ,a brief introductlOn of detectmg principles of CZT-10 Coupler Console is glven. And according to the theoretical circUlt of the Coupler Console ,it analyses actually symptom and causes of possible faults , then lt reduces the fault to ltS smallest range by automatlc testmg. So it finally locates faults to the functlOnal module or control button.
Abstract:At first ,this paper analyces the open defect of CMOS RAM address decoder ,lt comes out that one type open defect cannot be detected by march test algorithm , and then we glve the test method of this type undetectable fault and the design scheme with built-in tolerance agamst hard-to-detect open defects.
ZHAO Shang-hong , Y ANG Xiao-tie , XIE Xiao-ping
Abstract:The advances m stealth-aircraft technology overseas are revlewed in detail. The prmcipal features of ultra-wideband impulse radar and its important applicattons m counter-stealth systems are also mvestlgated.
TAO Zeng-yuan , LI Jun , CHENG Bang-qm
Abstract:Firstly the general situatlOn of thrust vector technique CTVThesearch and development is briefly accounted. Taking the development of the 4th generatlOn a1rcraftCF22/F1l9)and the third-haH generatlOn a1rcraft C CY-37 / AJI-37φ10) for example , this paper illustrates that TVT completely satisfies the tactical and technical reqUlrements of the 4th generatlOn a1rcraft and the third generatlOn a1rcraft is evolved to the third-haH generatlOn a1rcraft smce applying TVT , and fully demonstrates that TVT promoted development are pomted out and some advice about these technology's research in our nation 1S put forward.
Abstract:This paper briefly reV1ews the development course of the analog mtegrated filters. The class ,design methods and implementmg techniques of the analog mtegrated filters are g1ven , and then the intended development tendency 1S proposed.
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