Abstract:The newest advances m ultrashort pulse laser technology are brief1y revlewed , and the several most lmportant applicatlOns of ultrashort pulse laser , such as ultra-high speed optical commumcatlOn , storage of great capaclty informatlOn , study of photosynthesis and chemical interactlOns by means of femtosecond laser are also discussed.
ZHANG Zong-lin , HU Zhi-qiang , HAO Shun-yi , HUANG Guo-rong
Abstract:This paper studies characteristics of navlgation system of an advanced airplane and its correct problem. It Mainly studies a senes of technology problems to correct INS usmg GPS/ GLONASS Double Satellites Recelve Equipment. The research is already brought into a type of protect , and it has lmportant significance in improvmg precision of airplane navlgatlOn system and capabilities of flight control system and firepower control system.
GAO Yan-xi , CAI Liang-caiZ~ WU Li-rong , ZHENG Ru-hai , ZHONG Xiao-lei , ZHU Ke-qin
Abstract:The article takes a careful study on calculation model and method of the take-off track on the basis of certam alrcraft. It also uses the results derived from the model and method to compare with the results of the flight test of a certam alrport. The result shows that the calculatlOn data of the take-off track of the glven quality and the alrport condition are basically in accordance with the testmgtake-off result. It indicates that the model is reasonable , the method is correct and the data are preClse.
WU Dè-we , WU Chang , ZHAO Xiu-bin
Abstract:the real course error relative to the regulation 1S analyzed , when an airplane approaches and lands guided by the double-beacon landing system, mstrument landing system or redar guidance landing system, on the condition of those landing systems being normal. In according with that , the paper g1ves the recommended value of the a1rport clearance reqUlrement.
REN Hong-bin , JIAN Jin-lei , CUI Zhi-she
Abstract:The mathematical model of fuze-warhead coordinatlon is founded , and then a digital slmulation system of fuze-warhead coordinatlOn of air-defense missiles is introduced. Taking some air-defense missile and its typical target-MNT -21 for example , the slmulating result is glVen. The dynamic kil1ing range of warhead's fragments and the fragment distribution of hitting target are graphically displayed , which can directly show the fuze-warhead coordinatlOn effect and the damage effect on the target.
WU Song-lin , W ANG Xiao-cheng , ZHANG Feng-míng
Abstract:Based on the detailed analysis of the process of modern aITcraft mamtenance , this paper presents the concept , purposes , principle andstructure of integrated mamtenance information system(IMIS) , and summanses the major researches and projects m support of developing the system. IMIS is capable of processmg and íntegratmg ínformatlOn from several air force data bases to provide technical support to mamtenance technicians. Through a portable mamtenance aids , IMIS provides instructlOns for accomplíshíng mamtenance tasks. Thís paper glves a comprehenslve description of the concept, theory and methods as a kind of integrated mamtenance information delivery.
Abstract:This paper presents the indirect state H∞ control approach to a multidimenslOnal bifurcation system of actual engmeermg with non-semisimple double zero value , based on the nonlinear H∞ control theory. U nder some conditions , parametenzatlOn formulas of all controllers are derived. The solution of the problem is shown to be related to the eXlstence of solutions of a palr of Hamilton-Jacobi equatlOns , which are assoclated with parameters and state feedback , respectively.
JING Zhi-hong , WU Yong , XIA Jun-li , W ANG Yuan-yi
Abstract:In this paper, an adaptlve neural network used in target identificatlOn IS glven. On the basis of this a new algorithm of combining multiple neural networks is presented. Ship radiated-noises' c1assificatlOn expenments reveal that this c1assificatlOn system has higher reliability , better identificatlOn rate, finer generalizatlOn , and important applicatlOn value 10 underwater target identificatlOn.
YUE Xi-cai , YE Da-tian , GUAN Hua
Abstract:Neural network has been used for pattern recognition popularly. The training tlme of neural network for N catalogs classificatlOn mcreases exponentially with N , so it is difficult to deal with large number of catalogs by normal neural networks. Based on binary partition method and decision tree , a binary neural tree network (BNTN) classifier IS proposed. Each node in BNTN is a slmple neural network which only processes 2 catalog classificatlOn. Thus the archi-tecture of BNTN is flexible and expansible , and the training tlme IS reduced largely. The key to construct a BNTN is to sort the classes by separatlOn of each class. We proposed a slmple way to calculate separability of each class after radical basis functlOn (RBF) neural networks have beenselected as a type of node. Simulation shows that BNTN is better than other classifying methods.
LIU Shi-kao , LI Gang , LU Yun
Abstract:The arithmetlc to control all kinds of linear dommated sectlOns and resoluble conditlOns are expatlated in this paper. The conclusion of evaluatlOn of workload related to calculation IS presented. and the value for designing linear controller IS argued.
Abstract:In this paper ,the characteristics of broadband CDMA are mtroduced. The capac1ty of a cellular broadband CDMA system overlaying a GSM system 1S analyzed. At last the numerical result shows that a broadband CDMA sharing the same frequency band with GSM has the potential of increas11lg the total system capaclty enormously.
SUN Dong-yan , TAO Jian-feng , FU Quan-xi
Abstract:There lies Doppler mlsmatch in every code of phase-coded pulse compresslOn techmques. Based on the analysis of the causes of Doppler mlsmatch of phase-coded waveforms , a new processmg method is proposed. This method attenuates the sidelobe sensitivity to Doppler mlSmatch and has larger perimissive bandwidth of Doppler mlsmatch than the customary method by direct match filtermg and correlating.
ZHANG Chen-xm , W ANG Ji-qin , W ANG Guang-mmg , TONG Chuang-mmg
Abstract:Computer emulating of EM scattenng of compos1te two-dimenslOn targets has been dealt with in this paper , and the computer emulating software has been built with Point-LineModel CPLM) and MoM-CGM-FFT hybrid technique on v1sual programmmg platform. Using these techniques , the speed of model building and EM emulating can be efficiently increased , and the computer memory and CPU time are reduced sharply. Finally , the EM emulating on a compos-1te column 1S made ,and the EM emulating results are presented.
Abstract:The mam pomts about development of applicatlon programs based on VISA for VXlbusare presented , inc1uding addressmg an mstrument , accessmg a message-based device and a reglster-based device , handling events and errors. Some practical programs are presented.
BAI Zhen-xing , HE Hua-can , WANG Yong
Abstract:Confronted with the condition that the research on artificial intelligence (Al) has turned to stagnatlOn smce 1990s , the author proposes some new ideas and the ones on AI in the paper. Concentratmg on the research on general symbolism in the AI ,General Symbolism=Generalized Logic+ Hyper Topology Structure of Knowledge Representatlon + Multiple Dimenslon Informatlon Space.
Abstract:This paper analyses the importance of system reliability and some causatlOns of the increasement of reliability cost. Then 1t expat1ates the approach and method to study the relationships between reliability and reliability cost , then several forms of cost prediction equatlOn are provided to support the system reliability management.
WANG Chao-chi , WANG Chun-yang , ZHANG Jing-wei
Abstract:Antenna pattern 1S the best reflect10g of antenna's performance. There are many methods to measure the pattern of phased array antenna ,such as the technique of p1ane scanmng 10 near fie1d , focus1Og method in Fresne1 zone , genera1 method in far fie1d , etc. 1n this paper , the princip1e base and the rea1izatlOn method of the phased array antenna pattern's measurement with focus1Og method in Fresne1 zone are discussed. The patterns of near fie1d and far fie1d are compared through expenment. Considering the fact ,an expenment 1S made on the test10g error caused by distance error and frequency drift. The results indicate that this method to momtor the phased array antenna 's performance in Fresne1 zone 1S an effective method.
Abstract:On the condition of high technology , model method of ground-to-air defense slmulat lOn is discussed. The achieving method by S1MAN simulation language IS glven.
XU Zhong-wei , ZHOU Yu-fen , GAO Xi-jun
Abstract:Binomial distribution IS preferred in testability demonstratlOn , but it is discrete. Because of calculation difficulty , the sampling plan IS usually worked out with some adaptatlOns. Through the research of binomial probability distribution functlOn CPDF) ,it has been proved that the PDF is a monotone mcreasmg functlon of probability p and allowable failure t1me r m test ,and IS a monotone decreasmg funCtlOn of test tlme n.With these conclusions , we present an accurate algorithm to solve the slmultaneous mequality of binomial PDF. An opt1mum solution can be worked out by adoptmg multivanate half-folded searching algorithm ,so that we can get the sampling plan of testability demonstratlOn accurately and quickly. At last we compared the calculation result with IEC1l23 ,and the correctlOn of our algorithm has been proved.
Abstract:After convertmg the measurements of detector , such as radar , in ball-coordinate system to the measurements m tnangular rectangular-coordinates system , the error distribution ruler will be changed. By analysis the theoretical model is showed not to be suited for Kalman filtermg directly , the engmeenng model is obtained to be suited for Kalman filtenng and then the theoretlcal model is numerically compared with the engmeermg model on ltS numerical characteristics. They are m close proximity.
Abstract:Let G be a bipartlte graph and Íï, gi be nonnegative integer-valued functlons defined on the vertlces set V (G) of G and gi (x)ζfi (x) for all xεV(G) l~i~m. If the edges of bipartlte graph G can be decomposed into m edge disjoint [酌, f1 J-factor 矶,…, [gm , fmJ-factor Fm.then F={Fp …, Fm }is called a [gi , fJï'-factorizatlOn of bipartlte graph G , in addition , if H is a subgraph with m edges in bipartlte graph G and I E (H) n E (Fi) I = 1 for all 1ζiζm , then we call that F is orthogonal to H. This paper mainly studies orthogonal factorization of bipartlte graph and gives one result.
Abstract:The basic principle , system structure , characteristics and applicatlOns of process tomography(PT)are analyzed in detail. The progresses and problems of vanous PT techniques are systematically revlewed. The umque advantage and industrial applicatlon prospects of are discussed.
Abstract:Current-mode slgnal processmg ClrcU1t technology IS one of important progresslve fields in analogue VLSI technologies m recent years , and it is also an mternatlOnal frontler subject. The generation and development of the current-mode technology has led to an exciting challenge to the traditional voltagemode counterpart. This paper reVlews some advances on the current-mode slgnal processmg techniques. Comments for further research efforts and application prospects of the field are presented.
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