Abstract:Epoxy resin is sensitive to temperature, so it is necessary to explore the influence of curing temperature on the performance of epoxy resin based mortar. In order to further clarify the evolution law of early physical and mechanical properties of epoxy resin based mortar under curing conditions of different high temperature (30~60 ℃), its setting time, flexural strength, and compressive strength are tested. And the microstructure characteristics of epoxy resin based mortar are analyzed in combination with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP). The experimental results show that with the increment of curing temperature, the setting time of epoxy resin based mortar shortensgradually, and there is a roughly linear decreasing relationship between the setting time and the curing temperature. Under curing conditions of high temperature, with the increment of temperature, the flexural strength and compressive strength of epoxy resin mortar at an early age (4 h~3 d) first slowly increase, and then sharply decrease. When the curing temperature is at 40 ℃, the strength characteristics of epoxy resin based mortar are relatively optimal, and the flexural strength and compressive strength of the specimens cured for 4 h reach 21.4 MPa and 56.8 MPa respectively. Under the curing conditions of 40 ℃, the curing reaction of epoxy resin based mortar is complete relatively, and the internal structure of the matrix is uniform and dense, without obvious micro defects such as pores and cracks. However, under the curing conditions of 60 ℃, the curing reaction of epoxy resin based mortar is not sufficient, and the internal structure of the matrix is loose relatively and disordered with a significant increment of micro defects.