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Experimental Study on Crosswind Flow Separation Control byNanosecond Pulsed Plasma Actuation

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    Flow separation in nacelle intakes occurred in a state of side wind operation, can lead engine intake to distort, even engine to wheeze. Plasma flow control technology has its own unique development advantages in the field of improving the flow field characteristics, and its main difficulty is whether the plasma actuation can effectively coupling with the flow field to achieve the flow control objective, and high-pressure pulse plasma technology with its relatively low power consumption, continuous disturbance of the flow field and other advantages in the control of wing/wing flow separation with remarkable results being achieved, and there is great potential in the control of nacelle flow separation. First, the baseline aerodynamic law of nacelle inlet under the influence of side wind is investigated, and the degree of total pressure distortion is analyzed quantitatively, determining the plasma actutaion working condition, and then the flow control effect of Nanoseconds Dielectric Barrier Discharge (NS-DBD) is verified and the influence law of actutaion parameters is studied under different actutaion frequency and voltage conditions with 120° circumferential actutaion layout. The results show that NS-DBD actutaion being exerted, the total pressure is low in loss coefficient, the flow separation is small in range, and the total pressure distortion basically disappears. With the increase of the actutaion frequency, the total pressure distortion shows a trend of decreasing first and increasing afterwards. There is an inherent optimal coupling frequency in the actutaion process, and the total pressure distortion improved is the best in the optimal coupling frequency. Under conditions of the incoming at flow velocity of 25 m/s and the incoming at flow declination angle of 10°, the NS-DBD is exerted on the flow control condition. Under condition of 25 m/s incoming at flow velocity and 10° incoming at flow deflection angle, the average total pressure loss coefficient is reduced by 26.09% and the aberration index is reduced by 31.48% by applying NS-DBD actutaion. An upper threshold being 10 kV for the actutaion voltage and a lower threshold being 8 kV by changing the actutaion voltage to change the actutaion energy injection, the improvement of the separation flow field improvement effect is not obvious, lowering the actutaion voltage to the voltage threshold as much as possible, achieving separated flow field control, helping reduce energy consumption, improve lifetime, and promote the wider application of plasma flow control technology.

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  • Online: May 05,2023
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