Abstract:In communication system, frequency warp is often caused by the coherent detection or the synchronous demodulation. Because in one frame the sample time of each code is different from that of other codes, the phase error of the demodulated code and the decoding error would become larger and larger as time goes on. A carrier synchronization method, in which the Cordic algorithm and the efficacious LDPC decoding performance are adopted, is presented to solve the frequency warp. According to this algorithm, the frequency warp is figured out by using the Cordic algorithm, and then the phase error caused by the frequency warp in each receiving code is modified by using the Cordic algorithm again. Finally, the modified code is delivered to the decoder based on the LDPC decoding algorithm. Simulation results show that by using this method not only the multiplicative manipulation is substituted for the shift manipulation, but also the algorithm's performance is approaching to the precise synchronous performance.